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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Brand loyalty depends on brand elements Free Essays
Introdction A brand is a structure, term, name, or any element used to distinguish the items or administrations of a dealer from the ones of different merchants in the market (Jacoby and Chestnut, 1978). In spite of the fact that there is an enormous assortment of exploration on brand faithfulness in promoting writing, the connection between brand reliability and brand components has not generally been very much recorded or comprehended. In this exposition, the dispute of whether brand components assume a critical job in impacting the reliability of shoppers will be raised. We will compose a custom article test on Brand steadfastness relies upon brand components or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now Initial, a meaning of brand unwaveringness and brand components will be sketched out, trailed by contentions for and against the case that brand steadfastness is reliant on brand components. In this manner, this exposition will draw on promoting and buyer conduct writing just as contextual analyses from notable brands to outline the contentions. Brand dependability has been considered as the cognizant or oblivious choice of a customer to ceaselessly repurchase a brand (Keller, 2007). Brand unwaveringness has consistently spoken to one of the top needs for a brand. Brand monsters, for example, Coca-Cola and Pepsi for instance, every now and again bring out brand faithfulness advancements, for example, â€Å"My Coke Rewards†and â€Å"Pepsi Stuff†so as to hold its submitted purchasers (Dick and Basu, 1994). Then again, brand components alludes to the various parts that make up a brand. These can incorporate both inside and outer components. Inner components, for instance, incorporate brand character and guarantee while outside components allude to affiliations, picture and situating of a brand. Working from these two key ideas, it might be contended that brand unwaveringness must be accomplished if various successful brand components are solidly set up. Some have contended that outer components, for example, brand situating are basic in developing trust between the buyers and the brand (McCole, 2004). Brand situating alludes to the parts of the brand utilized in the specialization of the association, its objective market, the one of a kind estimation of the organization and the advantages a buyer would get from purchasing its items and administrations. Brand situating likewise exhausts exertion in separating an organization over contenders. It is in this way conceivable that it is just once a buyer procures more prominent information and lucidity of a company’s specialization, one of a kind worth and expected advantages, that he/she will be bound to repurchase the item and thusly guaranteeing brand reliability (Aaker, 1995). In a comparative vein, the component of br and guarantee can likewise be believed to assume a significant job in brand dedication. Brand guarantee alludes to the specific component that customers hope to be conveyed by the organization each time the buyer buys a thing as well as administration. By this definition, brand guarantee is a staggered component as it includes factors, for example, desire, cooperation of workers to meet these results and conveyance (Cowley, 1991). In the event that every one of these components is set up, buyers are significantly more liable to communicate dependability to the brand. An extra contention that underpins the case that brand devotion is reliant on brand components can be drawn from looking at one of the inward components; brand character. Each brand can be said to convey its own one of a kind brand character. Brand character exemplifies the brand as far as human attributes and characteristics (Kapferer, 2008; Aaker, 1995). A brand without character and warmth, for instance, is probably going to earn zero faithfulness from buyers and will be substantially more touchy to costs (Uncles Goodhardt, 2004). A constructive and particular brand character then again, is significantly more liable to inspire great results, for example, expanded inclination, utilization and unwaveringness (Aaker, 1997). There is an entrenched collection of writing that features that an unmistakable brand character upgrades brand inclination as well as improves steadfastness (Kressman et al 2006) yet additionally permits shoppers to communicate and extend their optimal selves to other people (Belk, 1988). The brand turns into an augmentation of the consumer’s self. Brand character, can along these lines be appeared to assume a basic job in permitting shoppers to associate on an individual level with a brand and consequently be bound to leave an enduring positive engraving that prompts repurchase and continuously develops brand dependability. In any case, it might likewise be contended that brand devotion can likewise be develop, autonomous of brand components. This contention centers around the significance of methodology, as opposed to mark components. A guide to show the significance of system can be seen from the progressions that have happened in promoting in the course of the most recent decade. For instance, because of the advances of web 2.0 and interpersonal organizations, conventional advertising practices of inspecting buyer patterns, directing center gatherings and evaluating socioeconomics have been enhanced by internet based life promoting on informal organizations, recordings and sites. The quantity of organizations and organizations utilizing the informal organization stage to associate with purchasers through fan pages is expanding each day and worldwide organizations, for example, Coca-Cola, Mercedes-Benz, Starbucks, Disney, New York Times, Red Bull, to give some examples, are currently noticeable instal lations on interpersonal organizations. Coca-Cola, for instance, permitted two of its fans who made the brand’s Facebook fan page to keep on overseeing it on Facebook. It isn't amazing in this way, that Coca-Cola has now amassed more than thirty-4,000,000 Likes around the world. Starbucks has comparatively exhibited the significance of a web-based social networking advertising procedure in the production of â€Å"My Starbucks Idea†, a website that permits customers to submit recommendations that are investigated and regularly executed. As statistical surveying has demonstrated that over 80% of people who â€Å"Like†a brand or item on Facebook are faithful buyers (DDB Worldwide, 2010), new procedures of online life promoting and inventive fan pages are progressively getting significant in the achievement of a brand. Components, for example, brand picture and character may have been significant ten years prior, yet brand steadfastness would now be able to be auto nomous. One may likewise receive a point of view that joins the contradicting contentions and proposes that brand components are significant, yet not necessities of brand reliability. Rather, various different variables are significant, for example, on account of â€Å"Spurious Loyalty†in which clients may repurchase a brand due to situational limitations or out of accommodation. In addition, it has likewise been recommended that brand devotion contains a significant level of pre-dispositional responsibility towards a brand that has nothing to do with the brand components (Punniyamoorthy and Raj 2007). As there are no particular speculations and approaches that address the subject of brand steadfastness and brand components, it is hard to give an authoritative answer. Notwithstanding, through the span of the exposition, it has become evident that brand components do assume an essential job in brand faithfulness and that customers are probably going to repurchase a brand since they see the brand to serve their item needs by offering the correct highlights of the item, value, quality and picture too. In any case, it has additionally become certain that brand steadfastness is terribly affected by choices that occur free of brand components. Taking everything into account, a harmony between the two contentions would be best for tending to the case. Later on, a more prominent collection of work is important to help scientists, researchers and advertisers to come nearer to comprehension the multi-dimensional nature of brand dedication. References Aaker, D. 1995. Building Strong Brands, Free Press, New York. Belk, R. W. 1988. Assets and the all-encompassing self. Diary of Consumer Research, 15, pp. 139-168. Cowley, D. 1991. Getting Brands, Kogan Page, London. DDB Worldwide OpinionWay Survey. Facebook and Brands. October 2010. Dick, A. S. what's more, Basu, K. 1994. Client Loyalty: Toward an Integrated Conceptual Framework. Diary of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22, pp. 99-113. Jacoby, J. Chestnut, J. 1978. Brand Loyalty: Measurement Management, Wiley, New York. Kapferer, J. 2008. The New Strategic Brand Management, Kogan Page, London. Keller, K. 2007. Vital Brand Management, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Kressmann, F., Sirgy, M., Herrmann, A., Huber, F., Huber, S., and Lee, D. 2006. Direct what's more, backhanded impacts of mental self view compatibility on brand dedication. Diary of Business Research, 59, 955-964. McCole, P. 2004. Pulling together showcasing to reflect practice: The changing job of promoting for business†, Marketing Intelligence Planning, Vol. 22 Issue 5, pp.531 †539. Punniyamoorthy, M and Prasanna Mohan Raj. 2007. An experimental model for brand dependability measurement†, Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, Volume 15, Number 4, pp. 222-233. Uncles, L Goodhardt, M. (2004), Understanding Brand Performance Measures: Using Dirichlet Benchmarks, Journal of Business Research, Vol.57, Issue12, pp.1307-1325. The most effective method to refer to Brand dependability relies upon brand components, Essay models Brand Loyalty Depends On Brand Elements Free Essays Presentation A brand is a plan, term, name, or any component used to distinguish the items or administrations of a vender from the ones of different dealers in the market (Jacoby and Chestnut, 1978). In spite of the fact that there is an enormous group of examination on brand faithfulness in promoting writing, the connection between brand devotion and brand components has not generally been all around archived or comprehended. In this paper, the dispute of whether brand components assume a noteworthy job in affecting the steadfastness of customers will be raised. We will compose a custom article test on Brand Loyalty Depends On Brand Elements or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now Initial, a meaning of brand unwaveringness and brand elem
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Speech Critique-Jfk Innagrual Address free essay sample
President John F Kennedys Inaugural Address, given on January 20, 1961 at the Capitol, was without a doubt a standout amongst other debut discourses given. This discourse was proposed to be heard by the entirety of the residents of the US, and with more than 20,000 in participation, and a lot all the more watching at home on TV, he arrived at a lot of his focused on crowd. I accept he utilized this discourse to illuminate the residents regarding the United States about what he intended to accomplish for the nation while in office, just as to persuade the residents to meet up and move in the direction of an objective of harmony and freedom, which is the thing that he wanted to achieve.The discourse was very efficient. It appeared to have a stream to it and move effectively starting with one point then onto the next. He appeared to have arranged a lot for this discourse and it is clear in its introduction. We will compose a custom article test on Discourse Critique-Jfk Innagrual Address or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page His words were likewise picked well for the crowd he was tending to. Regardless of whether it was a rancher with no instruction tuning in or one of his own associates, they could without much of a stretch comprehend what was being said. In his debut address Kennedy list goals of freedom, nullification of neediness, and harmony all through all countries. The opening of the discourse, I feel he is attempting to bring a feeling of solidarity, between one country, and not two ideological groups, catching everyones eye. He claims to all the residents in the country and not Just those of his gathering. The body of the discourse was engaged and It didnt Jump starting with one subject then onto the next. It starts by recollecting our ancestors and perceiving that circumstances are different from that point forward. He goes on to stating that we will remain behind any companion and against any enemy and continues to address different countries in the world.He appears to need to end war, have tranquility with everybody, and help lift up those out of luck. The discourse contained some successful analogies, for example, the individuals who absurdly looked for power by riding the rear of the tiger, the light has been passed to another age of Americans, and pushing off the chains of neediness. The end of the discourse Is a source of inspiration, reminding each American that what befalls their country Is In their grasp. Kennedys Ideals wont be accomplished in his term or his lifetime, yet It Is the residents obligation to press towards accomplishing thoseIdeals for people in the future. To me, the end wasnt entirely essential, anyway the line going before the end was the most important, so that weighed out the shutting In my psyche. L accept the conveyance of this discourse was extremely viable. He appears to have faith In the things he Is stating, thusly making every other person trust them too. He was by all accounts truly happy with during the discourse, he looked at the crowd, he utilized hand motions when talking somewhat, yet they were compelling and not overpowering. HIS vocals were anything but difficult to hear and he talked at a very teddy pace.There were a few pieces of the discourse where his voice became stronger, yet this solitary delivered the discourse increasingly compelling. He made numerous sensational delays at proper occasions during the discourse, when he had finished one Idea and was proceeding onward to something different. The discourse was generally simple for me to comprehend. I really felt somewhat moved by the discourse. He accepted so firmly In what he accepted and what he needed his country to accomplish you couldnt help yet to be Impressed. I delighted in watching this discourse and I trust I would appreciate hearing more from this beaker.Speech Critique-Jeff Inaugural Address By laryngeal country and not Just those of his gathering. The body of the discourse was engaged and it help lift up those out of luck. The discourse contained some powerful allegories, for example, destitution. The end of the discourse is a source of inspiration, reminding each American that what befalls their country is in their grasp. Kennedys standards wont be accomplished in his term or his lifetime, yet it is the residents obligation to press towards accomplishing those goals for future generations.To me, the end wasnt entirely important, anyway the in my psyche. accept the conveyance of this discourse was successful. He appears to put stock in the things he is stating, in this manner making every other person trust them as and not overpowering. His vocals were anything but difficult to hear and he talked at a fitting occasions during the discourse, when he had finished one thought and was really felt somewhat moved by the discourse. He accepted so emphatically in what he accepted and what he needed his country to accomplish you couldnt help yet to be intrigued.
Friday, August 21, 2020
7 Ways You Can Play With Social Media On Valentines Day
7 Ways You Can Play With Social Media On Valentines Day Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!7 Simple Ways You Can Play With Social Media On Valentines DayUpdated On 20/02/2016Author : Vipul KaliaTopic : Social MediaShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogThis year people are going to celebrate their Valentines Day more socially. People are taking full advantage of all that and social media has to offer to build on their special relationships. How Social media and Valentines Day land up on the same page. Both Valentines Day and Social media are about relationships. Here are some reasons that got them on the same page.Social media is about building new relationships around what you are passionate about like if you have passion about Questions then Quora would be right place to build your relationships similarly. If like shopping then you might build your relationships with new people or your friends on ShopSocially or Blippy. Valentin e’s Day is about paying attention to relationships and strengthening relationship bonds.Here how you can use Social media help for Valentines Day.#1 If you are confused about what to do for your Valentines Day go ask your Facebook friends about it on Facebook questions or try asking this question on Quora.#2 If you are confused what gift to buy for your Valentines Day you can try ShopSocially or Esty .#3 You can plan your travel date just try out Gogobot or try Yelp.#4 You can also check out Groupon for some great discounts.READ7 Essential Tips To Produce Creative Quality ContentHere are some fun gifts and gift ideas for your sweetheart using social media.#5 Create a personalized Facebook ad. You can create an ad that will only be seen by one user. You can make it as special as you want without any fear that you are sharing it with the whole world.#6 Upload a karaoke cover of your song on YouTube. It will be considered very romantic if you sing a song for your sweetheart in a room full of people. In fact, in this case, you will be singing in front of the entire World Wide Web.#7 Schedule new @replies by the hour through your twitter client send a new reason for loving him or her every hour for 24 hours. You can set it all up in advance in your Twitter client will automatically do magic for you.With social media continuing to be a networking and economic giant, nobody will be left with a bad Valentine’s Day gift this year. Whether you love or hate the holiday, You should definitely take advantage of social media this Valentine’s Day. And just spread the love around.This guest article is written by Vipul Kalia. He is an Electronics Engineer, Travel Blogger and Striving Entrepreneur and a Photographer who loves to ride.
Monday, May 25, 2020
How Federal Policies Narrow Class, Race, and Ethno-Religious Differences in the Middle Decades of The 20th Century - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1362 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2018/12/26 Category History Essay Type Descriptive essay Level High school Tags: American Life Essay Racism Essay Did you like this example? Cultural advancements and the nature of human geography that they produce are experienced over a long period. Nevertheless, culture transforms slowly and so does the perceptible landscape that it brings forth. The diverse cultural landscapes in the United States have developed as a consequence of demographic, technological and economic transformations. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How Federal Policies Narrow Class, Race, and Ethno-Religious Differences in the Middle Decades of The 20th Century" essay for you Create order However, other scholars argue that state policies have helped in narrowing race, class and ethnographic variations during the 20th century asserting that these changes were not brought about by cultural advancements but rather these developments came about as a result of demographic, economic and technological advancements in the United States since World War II. According to historian Carl Degler, the New Deal was a concept which was innovative[footnoteRef:2]. He was of the belief that the New Deal was a representation of radical transformations in the way Americans perceived government and its duty in the economic development. Instead of expecting economic hurdles to be resolved through the market forces, Americans started to have expectations on the state and act in moments of economic trouble thus creating interventions that would help in making things better. [2: Degler, Carl N. The Third American Revolution.? Out of Our Past (New York: Harper Row, 1959)? (1971).] Degler perceived Social Security as a way of changing situations thus indicating that Americans perceived the state as a responsible way of making sure that elder Americans would get lives that were decent. This was considered as a change from the perception that this responsibility was solely on those people who had families. Deglar additionally argued that Social Security illustrated the flexibility of FDR as well as the will to experiment whenever the public demanded its implementation. Therefore, Americans were ready to undergo a transformation after they had experienced the extreme conditions which had been brought about by the Great Depression, whereby banks had failed, industries were flattered and the country was full of individuals who were not employed. Deglar further argued that the New Deal was made of a permanent change in the expectations of the American public who wanted the state to be an active player in the countrys economic development. According to a historian Baron Bernstein, writing that was done during 1960s argued that the New Deal was not perceived as a revolution and that the transformations that were suggested by Degler and other individuals had been blown out of proportion. Bernstein was of the view that President Roosevelt had worked hard to protect the current political system and that the transformations in the political system as well as changes in attitudes and policies were perceived as a break from the preceding moments. However, it is evident that there were less positive transformations that took place during this moment when America was repositioning itself in the international affairs while the country was experiencing numerous global and domestic challenges. Degler perceived the Social Security Act as a way of responding to the radical ideas as well as programs that attracted most Americans, similar to those that were proposed by Townsend. According to the Act, there were more signs that exceeded a single substance. Employees were supposed to make contributions to their old age pensions thus they were not able to rely on contributions made by government. Therefore, it was an aid that was somehow limited with more than a single entity of five family members being excluded from the pension scheme. Most of the employees included those who were working on the domestic farms. Degler argued that while the New Deal was aimed at bringing down the rate of suffering that it did not deserve the kind of praises that it was given. On this notion, it can be argued that there were less positive transformations that took place at the moment when America repositioned itself in conducting its international affairs[footnoteRef:3]. Most importantly, the humanity geography of the United States was changed thus reflecting on some of the main transformations in the United States. Maybe the largest geographical alterations included the quick utilization of rural lands, their changes into other smaller communities which are independent. While suburbanization had earlier started before the Second World War, it had seemed to intensify even after the war had en ded thus making America a nation that was commuting and one that depended on the foreign oil of automobiles. Whereas there were undeniable developments that had been made by Americans, the rate of suburbanization also increased the degree of racial segregation thus having to literally push the agenda of black and white segregation further apart. Americans had already gotten into the Great Migration till late 1970s thus bringing millions of African Americans towards the western and northern cities and the moment when the economy had been transformed, most of these individuals were rendered jobless[footnoteRef:4]. [3: American Yawp The Great Depression. Chapter 23: ] [4: Katznelson, Ira. When affirmative action was white. (2005).] Another argument by Degler was that the celebration of The New deal was aimed at changing the American ideas with regards to the state and the countys economy. In the same manner, Degler found that arguments that were fronted by individuals like Bernstein appeared to be gloomy with regards to the ideas fronted in the New Deal. He posited that having a parallel operation assisted people and businesses alike to grow and mature. Additionally, he argued that the objectives that were made to maintain the American structure and assist it to survive instead of changing it thus the version fronted by the American administration was that it would assist in survival instead of just changing the entire structure. It was evident that the vision of the administration was not just ambiguous but also inconsistent. Degler characterized the New Deal as a program that was practically exercised and one which applied Social Security as a good example in order to attain its practicality. He asserts that the Act could not have been widespread or rather it would have lost the support of the Congress. However, it can be argued that there are several aspects that led to the limitation of the extent in which the New Deal program which included congressional opposition which was conservative as well as reliance on a local state that failed to necessarily perform its duties in ways that were democratic and which were consistent with whatever the designers of the program had hoped to achieve. Most fundamentally, the highest constraint of the America citizens was social security thus leading to other underlying issues being used as conservative responses of the citizens with regards to the depression. It can further be argued that the New Deal fronted by FDR was as a result of the public system in America wh ich tolerated the revolution that was perceived by Degler as a revolution. When putting race into consideration, most Americans consider the color of the skin which is not a surprise provided the countrys history. Despite the discriminations and battles that the native Indians underwent, slavery is what led to the American Civil War thus sharpening the skin focus of Americans. Contrast to the above argument, there were black-white settlements in just one segment of the post world war two landscapes. Internal migration and immigration had been majorly complicated in many aspects of the American life, geography, politics and economy. According to the most recent patterns adopted during the 20th century, immigration overlay other methods of immigration. Other individuals formed places of that were quite diverse from the nominal pattern linked to that of the Europeans. Therefore, the history of racism in America is seen as modern immigrant assimilation in several ways whereby there is an influx of illegal immigrants that leads to the perception that there are alterations and racial compositions which result to siege of the American cultural diversity. Other individuals perceive it as enrichment because racism in America is seen in a unique manner and its trait have had such complex and long histories, which include geographical imprints and a general perceptio n of race that is generally applied to the social constructs. Bibiography American Yawp The Great Depression. Chapter 23: Degler, Carl N. The Third American Revolution.? Out of Our Past (New York: Harper Row, 1959)? (1971). Katznelson, Ira. When affirmative action was white. (2005).
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Definition of Yellow Journalism
Yellow Journalism was a term used to describe a particular style of reckless and provocative newspaper reporting that became prominent in the late 1800s. A famous circulation war between two New York City newspapers prompted each paper to print increasingly sensationalistic headlines designed to lure readers. And ultimately the recklessness of the newspapers may have influenced the United States government to enter the Spanish-American War. The competition in the newspaper business was occurring at the same as the papers began to print some sections, particularly comic strips, with colored ink. A type of quick-drying yellow ink was used to print the clothing of a comic character known as â€Å"The Kid.†The color of the ink used wound up giving a name to the raucous new style of newspapers. The term stuck to such an extent that â€Å"yellow journalism†is still sometimes used to describe irresponsible reporting. The Great New York City Newspaper War The publisher Joseph Pulitzer turned his New York City newspaper, The World, into a popular publication in the 1880s by focusing on crime stories and other tales of vice. The front page of the paper often featured large headlines describing news events in provocative terms. Pulitzer was known to hire editors who were particularly skilled at writing headlines designed to entice readers. The style of selling newspapers at the time involved newsboys who would stand on street corners and yell out samples of headlines. American journalism, for much of the 19th century, had been dominated by politics in the sense that newspapers were often aligned with a particular political faction. In the new style of journalism practiced by Pulitzer, the entertainment value of the news began to dominate. Along with the sensational crime stories, The World also was known for a variety of innovative features, including a comics section that began in 1889. The Sunday edition of The World passed 250,000 copies by the end of the 1880s. In 1895 William Randolph Hearst bought the failing New York Journal at a bargain price and set his sights on displacing The World. He went about it in an obvious way: by hiring away the editors and writers employed by Pulitzer. The editor who had made The World so popular, Morill Goddard, went to work for Hearst. Pulitzer, to battle back, hired a brilliant young editor, Arthur Brisbane. The two publishers and their scrappy editors battled for New York City’s reading public. Did a Newspaper War Provoke a Real War? The newspaper style produced by Hearst and Pulitzer tended to be fairly reckless, and there’s no question that their editors and writers were not above embellishing facts. But the style of journalism became a serious national issue when the United States was considering whether to intervene against Spanish forces in Cuba in the late 1890s. Beginning in 1895, American newspapers inflamed the public by reporting on Spanish atrocities in Cuba. When the American battleship Maine exploded in the harbor at Havana on February 15, 1898, the sensationalist press cried out for vengeance. Some historians have contended that Yellow Journalism prompted the American intervention in Cuba which followed in the summer of 1898. That assertion is impossible to prove. But there’s no doubt that the actions of President William McKinley were ultimately influenced by the enormous newspaper headlines and the provocative stories about the destruction of the Maine. Legacy of Yellow Journalism The publication of sensationalistic news had roots stretching back in the 1830s when the famous murder of Helen Jewett essentially created the template for what we think of as tabloid news coverage. But the Yellow Journalism of the 1890s took the approach of sensationalism to a new level with the use of large and often startling headlines. Over time the public began to distrust newspapers which were obviously embellishing facts. And editors and publishers realized that building credibility with readers was a better long-term strategy. But the impact of the newspaper competition of the 1890s still lingered to some extent, especially in the use of provocative headlines. Tabloid journalism lived on in major American cities, especially in New York, where the New York Daily News and New York Post often battled to serve up engaging headlines. The tabloid headlines we see today are in some ways rooted in the newsstand battles between Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst, along with the clickbait of todays online media  the term for internet content designed to lure readers to click and read, has roots in the Yellow Journalism of the 1890s.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
George Orwell 1984 Reader Response - 1043 Words
Reader Response Analysis In the book 1984 written by George Orwell, the author wanted the readers to understand the message he has created. The message that he has conveyed throughout the book was that the Party took away many of the individual’s rights and freedoms. Orwell has shown specific examples of how the peoples’ rights are taken away throughout the text. Some of these examples include the people do not have their own privacy in the homes, control over their own thoughts, as well as control over emotions. Orwell may have given these examples for the readers to be able to relate to the government today. Today the government uses security cameras as well as they have ability to check phone records. In 1984, George Orwell has created†¦show more content†¦Julia, the girl Winston likes, is then brought into this scene. They look around the apartment and notice that there are no telescreens in this room. He finds it remarkable, this could be a place to go to get away from the telescreens (Orwell 99). From my perspective, the author did this to show that Winston was willing to go to such extreme measures to get away from the Party. Purchasing the journal and coral was dangerous enough if caught by the Party, yet he still considered the upstairs apartment. Since Winston grew up in the Party all he knew was what life was like in it. He tried to get away from the Party, by living in this apartment to see what life was like without your every move being watched. In my opinion, Orwell may have included Julia in this scene’s description so that the readers will understand how he felt towards her. This then reflected on his decisions he made later in the book. Winston and Julia look at the apartment together because relationships are forbidden within the Party. Next the author chose to explain how the government can take control over peoples’ thoughts. Since they always watched everyone, the Party can have an opinion on what they think of your thoughts and actions. If they do not like what you decide they can punish you. For example, in 1984, Winston starts to fall in love with a girl named Julia. Although in the Party relationships are strictly for having children. In the Party you are not supposed toShow MoreRelatedGeorge Orwell 1984 Reader Response722 Words  | 3 PagesTextual Analysis Rough Draft using Reader-Response The novel, 1984 by George Orwell, is a complex novel evoking many thoughts and emotions as a reader along with showing that the author was effective in conveying his message to the audience. In the first section of the novel, Orwell introduces a society that seems to be quite unusual to many readers completely in the norm for the characters in this novel. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organizations Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organizations. Answer: Introduction: Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islander people are the indigenous Australians. Just like any other indigenous group in the world, the Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islander people constitute the minority population in the country. In terms of numbers, they constitute only a 3% of the Australian population. According to the national population census of 2011, the total population of the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander people stood at 729,048 (Zhao, Vemuri Arya, 2016). This number represents the population of the indigenous communities in different states and territories across the nation. In terms of health, the Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islander people cannot be compared to the rest of the people in Australia. Research has established that the indigenous communities are worse-off. The communities have a high prevalence of nearly all the diseases as compared to the non-indigenous communities. The prevalence of communicable, cardiovascular, chronic and lifestyle diseases is higher amongst the Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islander people than the rest of the Australian population (Di Cesare, et al., 2013). The members of indigenous communities have higher chances of contracting lung cancer, breast cancer, and liver cancer, cancer of the pancreas, diabetes, tuberculosis, tetanus, injuries, accidents, stroke, heart failure, High Blood Pressure, coronary heart disease, mental illness, and disability. The Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander people also have lower life expectancy, and higher mortality rates than the members of non-indigenous communities (Kend all Barnett, 2015). The poor state of the Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islander people has been linked to historical, social, economic, environmental, and behaviors factors. As the indigenous communities in Australia, the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander people suffered as a result of colonialism. The invasion of the country by the European imperialists negatively impacted on the indigenous people because it drove them away from their ancestral lands to which they were strongly attached. His was a very unfortunate incident which greatly affected the community. It has contributed to the poor state of the health of the community (Kavanagh, et al., 2013). On the other hand, the community has been hit by its conservative cultural beliefs, lack of accessibility to employment, educational and housing facilities. Further, the location of the community members in the remote rural areas has hindered them from accessing quality healthcare services like the rest of the people in the country (Doolan, et al., 2015). These are the factors which have made it extremely challenging for the Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islander people to access quality healthcare services and enjoy health equality and equality. Impacts of Current Delivery of Care Methods When it comes to health matters, Australia is highly ranked globally. Because the commonwealth government of Australia is aware of the health disparities between its indigenous and non-indigenous communities, it has been making deliberate efforts to bridge the gap. Meaning, the government has making deliberate efforts to address the health challenges facing the indigenous people (Brown, O'Shea, Mott, McBride, Lawson Jennings, 2015). To achieve this, the government has been applying different measures such as policy-guidelines and initiatives that are directly targeting the rural-based Aboriginals and he Torres Strait Islander people. The first strategy that has been applied by the government in addressing the health concerns of the indigenous people is the establishment of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organizations (NACCOs) and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organizations (ACCHOs). These are community-owned and managed organizations that have been directly involved in the management of healthcare services delivered to the indigenous people in the country. As its name suggests, ACCHO refers to an organization that is formed and managed by the indigenous community members. Once it is established, the organization uses the local community members to identify and address the health needs of the community. So far, more than 150 ACCHOs are in operation in different parts of the country (Dempsey, et al., 2015). However, apart from relying on the community-owned ACCHOs, the government has been relying on the mainstream services to deliver health care to the indigenous people. Here, the memb ers of the indigenous communities are encouraged to seek for healthcare services in the government hospitals to be served. Engagement of Indigenous People The Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islanders are reserved people who do not prefer to engage in anything that contravenes their cultural traditions. The cultural views held by the indigenous people have been barring them from accessing healthcare services. The reason why these people are reluctant to seek for modern healthcare services is that they believe that it does not appeal to their culture. At the same time, the people believe that the services are not designed to accommodate their needs. After all, most of healthcare providers are non-indigenous people who have no knowledge on the cultural values, traditions, views, and perceptions towards health (Badland, et al., 2014). Therefore, to encourage the indigenous people to embrace modern healthcare services, the government has between making efforts to actively involve them in healthcare delivery. The first engagement strategy applied so far is the use of indigenous health workers. For a very long time, the members of indigenous communities have been finding it challenging to acquire quality education. This is why there have been a few indigenous people, who could join professions like nursing, pharmacy, psychiatry, surgery, and other medical-related disciplines. The fact that there were no indigenous healthcare workers made the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander people to refrain from seeking for medical services. However, this problem has been resolved by increasing the number of indigenous employees in the healthcare facilities (Funston Herring, 2016). On the other hand, the government has been relying on the services of the Indigenous Engagement Officers who coordinate the indigenous programs and liaise with the government to support and empower the indigenous communities to achieve health equality like the other Australian communities. Effectiveness of Current Programs and Initiatives Currently, the government of Australia, in conjunction with the territory and state governments, has been engaging in pro-indigenous community programs. Some of the most outstanding initiatives are the NACCHOs, Closing the Gap Strategy and Empowered Community Strategy. These initiatives have been of great importance because they have made significant contributions towards the improvement of health status of the indigenous communities across the country. The programs have been effective in addressing the inequalities that have been barring the indigenous people from accessing quality healthcare services. The initiatives have been effective in increasing the chances of the indigenous people to get access to healthcare services just like the rest of the population. Accessibility to healthcare services has helped in improving the health status of the indigenous people (Donato Segal, 2013). Today, the rate of diseases affecting the indigenous people has reduced. Even mortality and infant mortality rates have been declining thanks to these initiatives. Recommendations As a matter of fact, the implementation of Closing the Gap Strategy, Empowering Communities Initiatives, and NACCHOs demonstrates that the government of Australia is concerned about the indigenous communities. The empowerment and active involvement of the local indigenous community members in these initiatives has helped in improving the quality of health of the indigenous people. However, the existing gap has not been fully closed because there are so many problems which have not been addressed (Zhao, et al., 2013). The Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander people are still battling ignorance, unemployment, poor living conditions and a wide range of cardiovascular, communicable, chronic, and respiratory diseases. These problems can be ultimately addressed if the government puts more efforts in improving the living standards of the indigenous people. The best thing to do is to address the socioeconomic inequalities that have been faced by the members of the indigenous communities across the country. The government should avail more educational and employment opportunities to the indigenous people. If these issues are addressed, the health issues facing the indigenous people can be permanently addressed (Baba, Brolan Hill, 2014). Education, unemployment, and poverty are the greatest factors which have been influencing the health of the Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islander people. Therefore, if they are addressed, the community members will never face the health challenges that have been hindering them from leading a quality and healthy life. The other recommendation that should be adopted by the government is that it should improve on its empowerment initiatives. New polices should be introduced to strengthen community participation and empowerment in the indigenous health programs. For example, the ACCHOs should be fully-supported and equipped with local staff that has a deeper understanding of the indigenous cultures (Marley, et al., 2014). The presence of indigenous health workers has encouraged the members of the indigenous communities to seek for medical services because they are convinced that the services should be accepted because they are provided by one of their own who do not discriminate, but appreciate their diversities and understand their needs. References Baba, J.T., Brolan, C.E. Hill, P.S., (2014). Aboriginal medical services cure more than illness: a qualitative study of how Indigenous services address the health impacts of discrimination in Brisbane communities. International journal for equity in health, 13(1), p.1. Badland, H., et al., (2014). Urban liveability: emerging lessons from Australia for exploring the potential for indicators to measure the social determinants of health. Social Science Medicine, 111, 64-73. Brown, A., O'Shea, R.L., Mott, K., McBride, K.F., Lawson, T. Jennings, G.L., (2015). A strategy for translating evidence into policy and practice to close the gap-developing essential service standards for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cardiovascular care. Heart, Lung and Circulation, 24(2), pp.119-125. Dempsey, M., et al., (2015). Improving treatment outcomes for HIV-positive Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at Cairns Sexual Health using the treatment cascade as a model. HIV Australia, 13(3), p.36. Di Cesare, M., et al., (2013). Inequalities in non-communicable diseases and effective responses. The Lancet, 381(9866), 585-597. Donato, R. Segal, L. (2013). Does Australia have the appropriate health reform agenda to close the gap in Indigenous health?. Australian Health Review, 37(2), pp.232-238. Doolan, I., et al., (2015). A retrospective comparison study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander injecting drug users and their contact with youth detention and/or prison. Australian Indigenous Health Bulletin, 15(4). Fredericks, B.L., Lee, V., Adams, M.J. Mahoney, R. (2015). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health. Introduction to Public Health [3rd Ed.], pp.355-376. Funston, L. Herring, S. (2016). When Will the Stolen Generations End? A Qualitative Critical Exploration of Contemporary'Child Protection'Practices in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities. Sexual Abuse in Australia and New Zealand, 7(1), p.51. Kavanagh, A.M., et al., (2013). Time trends in socio-economic inequalities for women and men with disabilities in Australia: evidence of persisting inequalities. International journal for equity in health, 12(1), 1. Kendall, E., Barnett, L. (2015). Principles for the development of Aboriginal health interventions: culturally appropriate methods through systemic empathy. Ethnicity health, 20(5), 437-452. Marley, J.V., et al., (2014). The Be Our Ally Beat Smoking (BOABS) study, a randomised controlled trial of an intensive smoking cessation intervention in a remote aboriginal Australian health care setting. BMC public health, 14(1), 1. Zhao, Y., Vemuri, S. R., Arya, D. (2016). The economic benefits of eliminating Indigenous health inequality in the Northern Territory. Med J Aust, 205(6), 266-269. Zhao, Y., et al., (2013). Health inequity in the Northern Territory, Australia. International journal for equity in health, 12(1), 1.
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