Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Work and the City Essay Example

Work and the City Essay Example Work and the City Essay Work and the City Essay In the â€Å"Allegory of California† and â€Å"Construction†, both artworks both graphically symbolized the condition of workers in the industrialized period but situated in two different locations, a rural place in a powerful first world country and a city at a developing nation. Mexican painter Diego Rivera’s mural represented the California landscape in which illustrated a workplace that connected the agricultural side with the advancements of technology. Rivera made a â€Å"positive view of the hybridization of the mechanical and the organic, of culture and nature† (Sackman 3). Meanwhile, Brazilian photographer Sebastiao Salgado’s photograph depicted a seemingly captured moment of a construction worker gazing at the beauty of the city at the expense of his own safety by merely hanging on unstable bars of steels without any safety precautions. According to Salgado, â€Å"photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as of a precise organization of forms which give that event its proper expression† (cited in Ritchin, â€Å"The Lyric Documentarian†). Rivera showed the condition of workers during the 1930s while Salgado displayed the status of workers in the 1990s. The â€Å"Allegory of California† manifested the several types of work that were prevalent during that time. It showed farmers farming their crops, miners mining for gold, engineers creating new technologies and scientists conducting studies. The only endangerment that was demonstrated was the effects of technological advancements to nature and human workforce. The rise of the machines can destroy the beauty and richness of the beauty of nature and it can also replace the capabilities of human in terms of providing essential products and services. On the other hand, the â€Å"Construction† by Salgado showed a more evident form of danger for a worker. Thy physical aspect of the work environment illustrated the work hazard of the place because of the absence of precautionary safety elements such as safety harness, protective clothing, warning signs and other s. More so, the hanging position of the worker indicated the possibility or the imminent threat of falling hundreds of feet to the ground. This construction site at Rasuna complex of apartment and office buildings in the commercial and financial district of Kuningan in Indonesia showed the neglect of most employers over the safety of their workers. The mural of â€Å"  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"Allegory of California† was created by Rivera to remind the upper class that the resources that they have consumed and enjoyed were products of hard arduous labor of farmers and workers.   Rivera’s representation of the workforce emphasized their importance in the development of a society. However, through the combination of the â€Å"the labor of workers, the power of technology and, ultimately, the fertility of the earth,† the condition of social inequality is upheld and the commoditization of resources is actuated (Sackman 10). The images represented a stratified society wherein workers are at the bottom or middle level of the pyramid who do all the laborious works in order to provide for other members of the society. Meanwhile, the photograph of Salgado symbolized an unsung hero who performs his duties at the expense of risking his own life for monetary rewards. This scenario showed how countries like Indonesia, a developing country, have disregarded the condition of their labor force in order to minimize the cost of their project. Salgado in most of his photographs had demonstrated a very creative and subtle form of social conscience (Wald 4). Salgado makes sure that every image that he takes; he captures the essence of that image â€Å"including culture and the internal resources that allow for self-determination,† in which promotes compassion and awareness for the viewers† (cited in Ritchin, â€Å"The Lyric Documentarian†). Moreover, a mural compared to a photograph, I think that a photograph is more powerful and persuasive than a mural or a painting because in photographs reality is captured without any enhancements or alterations. Paintings and murals are artist’s outputs based on his understanding and perspective about the subject matter. A subject can either exaggerate or downplay depending on the artist’s mood or thinking. But photographs, particularly Salgado’s works, are â€Å"confined to the moment by the mechanics of the camera, which are drawn less to celebrating and taming an instant’s arbitrariness, their   material manifestations, but more to articulating their eternity, their ephemeral profundity, and to locating a mythic, entwining presence (cited in Ritchin, â€Å"The Lyric Documentarian†).

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Compare the different film versions of Romeo and Juliet Essays

Compare the different film versions of Romeo and Juliet Essays Compare the different film versions of Romeo and Juliet Paper Compare the different film versions of Romeo and Juliet Paper Essay Topic: Romeo and Juliet Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet have been adapted in many different ways by different people. Romeo and Juliet is a film that gripped the world, no matter what age or what language you spoke. Many directors from around the world made there own version of the film in many different languages. In this essay I will compare the different version of the love story. The versions that I will compare are Baz Luhrmanns, Zeffirellis and West Side Story directed by Jerome Robbins and Robert Wise. Baz Luhrmanns (1996), Franco Zeffirellis (1968) and West Side Story have quite a lot in common but also a few differences at the same time. The similarities and differences varied through language dialects, clothing, weaponry, and the impressions different people had from different parts of Shakespeares original story. The Zeferelli version and the original play by William Shakespeare show some variations between storylines. There are also far smaller differences between extremely similar stories with the single huge difference of modernisation, as seen between the Luhrman version of Romeo and Juliet, as well as the play. The original Romeo and Juliet was set around the time when the play was written, and was not written to become one of the greatest plays of all time. Instead, the goal was more toward making a popular play that could make some money, be funny, and evoke a huge amount of feeling. This story focused around the love of Romeo and Juliet that they had during the time of the renaissance. The love shown in this play is known to be immortal, but many aspects of the play are from the time that they were made. An example of this is the language of this play, which is old English (Shakespearean). Also, another aspect that comes from the time the play was made was the clothing, which is exactly as the styles were in the Middle Ages. And a third example is the use of swords in the battle. The Zeferelli version of Romeo and Juliet was very similar to the play, because the dress, language, and weaponry were all the same. The only major difference between these two versions was the interpretation of a few events, such as the battle between Tybalt and Mercutio. In this battle, Tybalt was seen as merely fooling around, instead of in an angry rage as the play displayed. Even though the Luhrman version of Romeo and Juliet had essentially the same lines and storyline as the play, although a few lines were edited out, and there were many other substantial differences. First, this movie was set during the modern day, with everything except the language modernised and has the MTV generation feel to it. Next, the movie was about two major gangs battling against on another, while the play focused around two relatively normal aristocratic families from their time. Also, another difference between the two versions is the weaponry. In Luhrmans version of Romeo and Juliet, 9mm swords, which is a gun instead of the actual swords that were used in the play. Although these two plays were quite different, there was another movie, A West Side Story, which was more similar to the original play. A West Side Story is quite similar to the story of Romeo and Juliet. In A West Side Story, two gangs are feuding during modern times. Both gangs are fighting over a piece of territory. Also, two people from separate gangs fall in love, and one of them dies. Each of these events occurs in Romeo and Juliet in at least one of the versions, demonstrating the incredible similarity between these stories. Each version of Romeo and Juliet, as well as A West Side Story, had many similarities and differences as I have shown. Although they were all quite similar, each was unique in at least one way. The Zeferelli version showed the battle between Tybalt and Mercutio as friendly, unlike the other versions. Two examples of uniqueness in A West Side Story were that one of the two lovers survived, and the feud was between white Americans and Puerto Ricans. The original play was unique due to the fact that this was the first version upon which all other versions were based. The Luhrman version was unique due to the fact that this movie was the most modern and fast paced of all the stories, and is the one that related to us the most closely due to how modern the storyline was. The original themes in each of these both similar but terrific stories are comparable, although varied enough to make each one valuable.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Understanding Students with Hearing Loss Research Paper

Understanding Students with Hearing Loss - Research Paper Example This paper deals with the said issue, teaching and learning relationship when the student has the problem of hearing. Understanding Hearing Loss Before hearing loss is explained, a brief introduction to the process of hearing is very important in the context of this research. The listening of a sound can be described in two basic notations, one being audition on the other being vibration. Audition is the hearing process; whereas; vibration is the interpretation of pattern, of air molecules on the ear drum. Sound itself can be divided into two parts. The first one is the frequency on the sound and the second one is its loudness. Being deaf means unable to hear any kind of a sound but this is not the only form of hearing disability. Hearing disability can be broker down into two main parts. One is deaf, which means that the person has a hearing loss of 70-90 dB and cannot hear with any kind of amplification. The second part is the person who has loss of hearing in the range of 20-70 dB but can hear with use of amplification devices. Both there forms of hearing disability can cause great stress in every-day life of a human as well as being the sole reason for slow learning of this person. The report looks into the methods of overcoming this disability and making these students in a classroom attain good grades and live a normal life (Ann, 1995). Communication between teachers and students on the same frequency is the only secret for the success of the teacher-student relationship, be it a normal one or one in which the student has some physical disability. There are many ways a teacher can communicate or transfer knowledge into the minds of a person who has a hearing disability. The first and foremost method is oral communication by enhancing or amplifying sound to develop language skills as well as understanding skills. After oral, the most used method is applied which is manual communication. In manual communication sign language or finger spelling is used. A universal sign language has been developed for the help of teachers and students alike. Finally the simultaneous method in which both amplification is sign language by the teacher to explain the phenomenon of science, math , literature or any other subject under light. Challenges Faced There are numerous issues faced by both teacher and the student alike, student more that the teachers though. The first basic and foremost challenge is one, especially to students in primary classes, is of reading and writing. As the process of learning to read is dependant on hearing and the one of writing is dependant on reading. Therefore it is the first challenge that comes across a hearing impaired child. The second problem is not directly related to the class environment but directly affects the emotional behavior of a student in class. This problem is due to a various number of interactions a hearing impaired child faces in his everyday life. His interactions with the parents, friends and the sense of social isolation all play a vital role. Teacher in these scenarios can play a vital role and sail the child from the storms of social disparities against such students (Elizibeth, 2010). Teaching Strategies Various steps can be taken by the teacher in a class for the teacher to enhance the learning abilities of a hearing impaired student and in turn have a bet ter understanding of the student. Every student with this